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Newspaper Theme Review

Redwood Theme Review

Lets Blog Theme Review

Newspaper 10 WordPress ThemeRead reviewRead reviewRead review
CategoryNews / Blog / Magazine / Editorial / Multi-purposeBlog / Magazine / Multi-purposeBlog / Magazine / Personal
AuthortagDivSolo PineTheme Goods
Envato elite authorYesYesYes
Tested version9.
COMPATIBILITY Content widthFull Width11701310 px
Browser compatibilityIE8+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari / EdgeIE9+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / SafariIE9+ / Chrome / FF / Opera / Safari
FONTS AND TRANSLATION Integrated translationYes--
Google fontsYes-Yes
Custom fontsYes--
Typekit fontsYes--
RTL support---
Preview typography--Yes
POST FEATURES Video postsYesYesYes
Audio postsYesYes-
Post templates6913
Review systemYes--
Post view counterYes--
Smart listsYes--
Social shareYesYesYes
Custom image lightboxYes--
Custom image galeryYes-Yes
Video lightbox---
PAGE FEATURES Page templates18044
Header styles1511
Footer styles1414
Category layouts16--
Masonry layout---
Mega menusYes-Yes
Sticky menuYesYesYes
Sticky sidebarsYes--
Social networksYesYesYes
Social counterYes--
Video playlistsYes--
Instagram widgetYes-Yes
Currency widgetYes--
Pinterest widgetYes--
Weather widgetYes--
Homepage Layout-510
OTHER FEATURES Mobile themeYes--
Demos included8011
SEO optimizedYes-Yes
ADS Ad systemYes--
Adsense supportYes--
Background image adYes--
Custom adsYes--
PERFORMANCE CSS file size1,10 MB36 kb180 kb
Overall speedVery highMediumMedium
Performance documentationYes--
USER EXPERIENCE Total ratings6063139108
User rating
DESIGN Responsive designYesYesYes
Retina readyYes-Yes
DOCUMENTATION DifficultyBeginnerBeginnerBeginner
ExplanationsExplicitLess DetailedExplicit
Explicit screen shotsYes-Yes
Video tutorialsYes-Yes
Search optionYes--
Extra documentationYes--
PREMIUM PLUGINS PluginstagDiv Composer, tagDiv Cloud Library, tagDiv Social Counter, tagDiv Newsletter, tagDiv Mobile Theme, Official AMP for WP, tagDiv Standard Pack, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Page BuilderVafpress post formats UI (pre-packaged)Lets Blog Theme Demo Plugin
VALUE Price$59$39$44
Value for the moneyExcellentVery goodExcellent
Overall score96%66%84%
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