
Boo is a premium WordPress theme designed to be the framework of creative websites, such as blogs, eShops, photography, portfolio or others. The Boo template gives you the ability to create a great design with ease, without knowing a line of code. In this behalf, you can go through the pre-built templates and choose the one you lice. Also, you can customize your site using the Live Website Builder and various elements. You can also have the opportunity to make a portfolio to showcase your work, set up an online shop to sell your products, or promote a business with service boxes.


Lisa Jones
Editor-in-chief of WPion. 100% passionate about WordPress, Lisa is part time web developer and part time front-end designer. With a master's degree in computer science, she is specialized in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL and PHP. Lisa uses her knowledge and experience to offer you a complete analysis of WordPress most popular themes and plugins.